Dr. Cari D Ficken
I am an ecologist interested in the effects of disturbances on plant communities and ecosystem functioning. I use concepts and techniques from biogeochemistry, plant physiology, and community ecology to understand how plants mediate the feedbacks between environmental conditions and ecosystem processes. I use trait-based frameworks to develop hypotheses which link multiple levels of organization and to generalize responses across systems. For more information, see my research pages. I recently joined the University at Buffalo as a Research Assistant Professor. Prior to this, I worked as a Postdoctoral Research Fellow at the University of Waterloo, and completed my PhD at Duke University. More information on current and past research projects can be found under Research, above. |
Maris Grundy is an Urban Ecologist and doctoral student at the University at Buffalo. Her studies center on questions of seed provenance, urban soils, and climate change scenarios. She earned her Masters of Environmental Studies in Conservation Ethnobotany at York University, in Toronto, Canada. Maris’ masters’ research investigated campesino farmer plant-use in Costa Rica and community resilience in the face of climate change impacts. When she’s not botanizing in an urban prairie or deep diving bibliographies, Maris can be found with family, hiking, reading, swimming, or singing around a bonfire. |